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6 Simple Ways to Get Oregon Legal Aid

6 Simple Ways to Get Oregon Legal Aid

If you need Oregon legal aid, there are things you can do to get it! We found resources to help you find legal aid and get the representation you need!


Use SoloSuit to file an answer!

Have you heard of SoloSuit? This easy-to-use program can help you create an official Answer if you’ve been sued. Although the basic service is free, you can pay a little extra to have them file the paperwork with the Court and the Plaintiff. I have used this service myself and I highly recommend it. Get started here. 

Get Oregon legal aid for free.

Getting Oregon legal aid doesn’t have to be hard. There are different resources you can use to find help with a variety of legal issues in the state. If you’re struggling with a domestic violence issue, family law matter or even a tenant-landlord issue, legal aid might be available to help you!


Legal services offer resources.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon might be able to provide Oregon legal aid to elderly and low-income families and individuals. You will need to apply for help through legal aid services. They do not take criminal cases, but they may be able to help with a variety of civil cases. Many cases can be resolved easily and LASO offers attorneys who do that. You will need to meet income or age guidelines to qualify.

Oregon Law Help is another organization that provides legal assistance to low income families and individuals. You will need to meet their income requirements. This organization does not always have attorneys available to help right away, but they may be able to offer referrals to different organizations. They may also prioritize their Oregon legal aid by the type of case you have. For example, a domestic violence case may get help faster than a medical debt case would get.

The Oregon Law Center may be able to provide Oregon legal aid to people in need of assistance. They help with domestic issues, problems related to your living situation and medical issues including medical debt. Even if the law center is unable to provide you with an attorney, they may be able to help you with self-representation or advice for further legal assistance.


The Center for Nonprofit Legal Services helps the elderly and those in poverty. If your case is non-criminal, you might be able to get help through CNPLS. The program helps people qualify for a variety of services from attorneys and it might make things easier if you’re in a civil dispute.

Keep in mind…

These organizations might utilize attorneys who have a conflict of interest in your case. In that case, they would not be able to provide help. If this does happen at one of the above organizations, it might be a good idea to check any of the others on the list. It can be disheartening to hear “I’m sorry we can’t help you due to a conflict of interest,” but know help still could be available!

The ACLU might provide help.

Even though the ACLU is unable to help every case that comes to them, they might be able to help with some cases. Getting a case heard by the ACLU could help you create exposure to certain issues (like landlord-tenant and racial profiling). If you present your case to the ACLU and they’re unable to help, they might be able to direct you to attorneys who work for free or who may be willing to help at a reduced cost.

Look for free attorneys.

If you do not qualify for Oregon legal aid, you may still be able to get help with your case! Contact the Oregon Bar Association to find attorneys who might do work pro bono. This means they offer their services out of goodwill for free. Some attorneys may only choose to do this for certain cases.

Another thing you could do is find out if attorneys have reduced fees or payment programs. While this is still a relatively new concept, it is not completely unheard of. A regular attorney who does not provide pro bono work may be willing to take on a case by allowing you to make payments on a retainer. They may also be willing to lower their fees if you are low-income or have an especially compelling case. The best way to find an attorney in your area is contacting the bar association!

Need more help in Oregon? We Found It!