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Looking for Free Legal Advice in Maine? We Found Help!

Looking for Free Legal Advice in Maine? We Found Help!

If you’re in need of free legal advice in Maine, we found options! You might be able to qualify for help through a legal aid organization.

Have you heard of SoloSuit?

If you’ve been served with a lawsuit, you can use SoloSuit to help you file your answer. This service is so easy to use! You just need the Summons and Complaint you received to help you answer questions. When you’re done, the system will generate an answer that you can send to the court.

You can use the tool for free. For a small fee, you can also have them mail the Answer to the Court and the Plaintiff’s attorney. That’s what I’ve done in the past and it’s so much simpler than printing and delivering the copies yourself.

Try SoloSuit now!

Check this out if you need free legal advice in Maine.

Finding attorney doesn’t have to be an impossible task. When you’re facing a civil case, you might be wondering what you can do if you can’t afford the often expensive fees of attorneys. We found options! You could qualify for free legal advice in Maine. Many non-profit organizations work with people who are in need of civil legal advice. If you’re facing a criminal case, you might still be able to get help through the Maine public defender.

We found pro bono lawyers in Maine!

If you’re trying to find free legal advice in Maine, you might be able to find help through Pine Tree Legal Assistance. The program works with people who are low-income and might be able to provide you with legal resources like advice, answers and representation. You will need to meet requirements they have in place. Those who are seeking help might also need to qualify under the organization’s guidelines.

The Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project helps residents by working with pro bono lawyers to represent low-income people. The program has strict requirements each person will have to meet to get help. If you’re in need of assistance, you might be able to apply and qualify for help through this program. Volunteer lawyers have the discretion to choose which cases they help. They may be unavailable to help, may not be capable of doing it due to a conflict of interest or may simply want to avoid certain cases.

Maine’s Equal Justice Partners provide help to people who are in need of legal services and who meet their qualifications. The requirements include ones for residency, income, family size and more. The help available is at the discretion of each of the attorneys who offer help through the program and might not be available for every case.

The Maine Community Law Center might be helpful as a last resort for people who are unable to afford an attorney or find legal assistance. With the program, you might be able to find self-help resources and other options that could make it easier for you to find representation. Depending on your civil case, you could also find answers to legal questions you might have.

Do you have a special case? Get help!

Do you have a case that’s related to healthcare law? If you have a qualifying case, you might be able to get help through the healthcare legal center. The program helps people who meet their qualifications by offering them legal representation. They could consider each case individually and might be able to help with some specific healthcare issues depending on your needs. If you meet their qualifications, you might be able to have an attorney who can represent you or simply get access to legal answers.

The Maine Disability Rights program might be able to provide free legal advice in Maine. The program works with pro bono lawyers in Maine to offer people who are qualified the opportunity to get legal help for disability issues. They might be able to help you with the process of filing disability, appealing a disability decision and even knowing the rights you have under disability laws. The attorneys the program offers are bar-certified and have experience working on disability cases.

As an immigrant, you might be entitled to legal assistance. Attorneys could help you find the answers you’re looking for with your immigration case or with rights you have related to being an immigrant. If you are an immigrant and you meet the requirements the Immigration Legal Assistance Program has in place, you could qualify for help from an attorney. Attorneys who work with the organization have experience working with immigrants and understand Maine immigration laws.

Are you a senior? You might be entitled to legal help through the Maine Elderly Legal Services. These services could help you find an attorney who will provide you with legal answers, advice and representation relating to your age. You will be required to meet their requirements.

Get free legal advice in Maine through law schools.

The University of Maine might be able to help you through their legal clinics. They offer advice and answers to legal questions at their civil clinic. The law school also has centers set up to reach out to the low-income population and help them with legal issues. You could get help from student lawyers who are able to provide this assistance. Different clinics have different requirements for attending the clinic, but they are all free.

Get free legal advice in Maine through your county.

If you’re a low-income resident, you might also be able to get help through your county. Maine counties have different options for legal aid than state programs.

Cumberland County

There is a legal aid clinic for people who are in Cumberland County. This is another of the outreach programs from the University of Maine, but it is limited to the county the university is in. This clinic can teach you about your civil rights. The law students might be able to help you identify solutions to your legal problems. You could also learn about legal assistance and find an attorney who can help with your legal case through their resources.

The bar association could help you find pro bono lawyers in Maine.

When you’re trying to find free legal advice in Maine, you might be able to use the bar association to help you find attorneys who can represent you for your case. The bar association doesn’t work directly with attorneys or clients, but they might be able to help you find an attorney who offers their services for free. Their legal aid website lists all the attorneys who provide pro bono services.

Check out how the ACLU can help.

The ACLU probably can’t represent you for your civil case, but they can help you learn more about options you have and what civil rights you have. In addition to the resources they provide about knowing your rights, they also offer resources for legal aid. You could find pro bono lawyers in Maine among their resources.

We found freebies for Maine residents!