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7 Helpful Freebies for Seniors

7 Helpful Freebies for Seniors

There are programs all over the country that offer freebies for seniors! You won’t believe what we’ve found! 


After being told over and over again that there just isn’t any help for low income seniors in this country, I did some research… and we’ve found some amazing things!

In this article, we’ll reveal seven helpful freebies for seniors. Check out our directory of senior assistance programs for even more help!

Medical Alert Systems

Did you know that approximately 30,000 seniors die from fall-related deaths each year? Medical alert systems help keep seniors safe but they can be very expensive. Fortunately, we’ve found providers that can help. 

If you have access to Medicaid, Medicare, or health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, you may be able to get a free medical alert device from them. If you don’t have access to those programs, you may be able to get assistance from your local Area Agency on Aging.


Many states have authorized programs that help pay for these systems, as they help seniors avoid costly medical expenses. Your area may also have access to a State Assistive Technology Program or Assistive Technology Loan Closet that can help you get these devices for free. 

Free Dentures & Dental Care

Dentures are expensive. I know this from experience because my husband doesn’t have any teeth. That’s a long story for another day but today, I’m just excited to share that we’ve found some easy ways for seniors to get free dentures. 

Dental Lifeline Network is an incredible nationwide program that partners with over 15,000 dentists and 3,400 dental labs. They offer free comprehensive dental care to people with disabilities and those who are elderly.

If you are 65 or older, you may be able to get free dental care services and possibly even free dentures through this program. Visit to apply for their program in your state. 

Free Hearing Aids

We’ve found hearing aid freebies for seniors, too! If you receive health care benefits through Medicare, Medicaid, or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, you may be able to get free hearing aids from them. If you do not have those benefits, then you may be able to get free hearing aids through programs like the Miracle-Ear Foundation, the Hearing Aid Project, or Starkey Hearing Foundation. 

Free CaptionCall Phone

If you have hearing loss, then you need to know about CaptionCall. This is one of our favorite freebies for seniors! With this service, you can read captions of what people are saying over the phone so that you can understand conversations more easily. The service is free to those who qualify but your medical provider may need to help you apply. 

Free Trackers

Project Lifesaver helps provide tracking systems for people who have dementia, Alzheimer’s, autism, down syndrome, traumatic brain injuries and more. This program distributes bracelets that use radio frequency tracking technology to help locate at-risk individuals who wander away from their caregivers. 


It’s important to know that Project Lifesaver is a nationwide charity that partners with local organizations. The local organizations administer the program so the program varies depending on where you live. In many areas, the trackers are provided free of charge. 

Free Ombudsman Services 

Ombudsman services help protect the rights of seniors who live in nursing homes and other assisted living facilities. These advocates can help you find a facility, resolve problems and ensure that you get quality care. The service is administered by the Administration on Aging, so contact them for details. They may know about other freebies for seniors, too!  

Free Senior Support Groups online

Senior Support Groups help people connect over common interests, life circumstances or health concerns. These groups can help you get through tough times, make friends and feel connected with others. There are many groups available, and they can be found by contacting local senior centers, libraries, physicians, neighborhood and community organizations, or even by reaching out on social media.

Get More Help for Seniors!

Catherine Marucci

Thursday 19th of October 2023

Hi Tee. You can try calling 211. They may know of something.

John Mahoney

Friday 4th of August 2023

@Isaac, I had back surgery, 04/03/23, cant return to work, yet. July's rent not paid, nor this month either. I have no income at all. was given some help with Utility's.i do also get SNAP. need help with rent, and to pay for my Physical Therapy, so that I can return to working. I'm running out of time, I could be evicted before i get any help, I'm at a lose, please help.

Catherine Marucci

Friday 4th of August 2023

Hi John. Here are some programs that may help:

Ella Doreen Helton

Monday 26th of December 2022

I'm in need of a complete dental appointment for my entire mouth and I need Dentures, I don't have any money to purchase them, unless you can find someone who takes payment's.Im a senior disabled widow and I get 841$ monthly.where do I go to get some help with my dental issues? In Knoxville TN?

Catherine Marucci

Monday 26th of December 2022

Hi Ella. Here are some ideas that may help: