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Homemade Bathroom Cleaner: 12 Easy Recipes!

Homemade Bathroom Cleaner: 12 Easy Recipes!

Homemade bathroom cleaners are cheap and easy in a financial pinch! It doesn’t take a lot of ingredients or time to throw these recipes together and they may help you save money over more traditional cleaners.


We’ve found 9 homemade bathroom cleaner recipes everyone can use!

No matter where you live, most bathrooms contain the same fundamentals, including tubs and mirrors. We’ve found a few easy and affordable homemade bathroom cleaner recipes that anyone can use!

All-Purpose Cleaner and Deodorizer

Baking soda is a powerful deodorizer. Simply mix four tablespoons baking soda into a quart of warm water for an all-purpose cleaner and deodorizer. This suggestion came straight from the Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab, so you know it’s effective!

All-Purpose Cleaner

Vinegar is another excellent all-purpose cleaner. Add one part white vinegar to one part water. Add a little bit of lemon juice or essential oils for scent, if you’d like. Just add it to a spray bottle and go!

Glass Cleaner

It turns out, Windex isn’t a miracle solution after all! You can achieve the same clean windows and mirrors with a homemade bathroom cleaner.


You’ll need two cups water, 1/2 cup vinegar (white or cider) and 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol (70% or stronger concentration). You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for scent, if you want to. Pour all of these ingredients into a spray bottle.

For the best results, avoid spraying the glass directly. Instead, spray your cloth or paper towel and then wipe the glass. You’ll also achieve better results if you avoid cleaning windows on hot sunny days, because the mixture will streak if it dries too quickly.

Heavy-Duty Toilet Bowl Cleaner

This homemade bathroom cleaner is great for scrubbing and deodorizing toilets! Just pour 1/4 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup baking soda and about 10 drops of tea tree essential oils into the toilet bowl. The mixture will fizz while you scrub!

Tub & Tile Cleaner

Combine one part vinegar and one part dish liquid in a spray bottle. Spray it on surfaces and allow it to sit for five minutes. After that, just scrub and rinse!

Tough Stain Scrubber

For tough stains on porcelain and enamel, simply cut a lemon in half and dip it in borax. Rub and scrub it directly on the fixture. Don’t forget to rinse after scrubbing, though!

Mold & Mildew Treatment

For mold and mildew, you’ll need to use vinegar. Spray pure white vinegar on the affected area and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Afterward, rinse with warm water.

If this fails to completely remove it, you can scrub the area with a sponge. Use vinegar or baking soda for extra scrubbing power.


Homemade Clorox Wipes

I love disposable cleaning wipes but I hate having to pay for them! They’re expensive and they generate a lot of waste. Creating your own reusable cleaning wipes is easy and affordable. This is definitely my favorite homemade bathroom cleaner!

It starts with the fabric. In my experience, the easiest way to get the fabric for these wipes is to to cut up old towels or even clothes into small squares. If you have T-shirts lying around that are torn, raggedy or just don’t fit anyone any more, this may be a good option.

You’ll also need to create the cleaning solution. Mix one cup water, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol and two tablespoons dish soap. You can also add two tablespoons of ammonia, if you’d like. Mix the ingredients well.

After that, it’s just assembly. Put your cleaning rags in a jar and add the cleaning solution. Depending on how many rags you have and how absorbent they are, you may need to add more cleaning solution.

When you’re done using them, just wash them and add them back into the jar. Replenish the cleaning solution as needed.

Air Freshener

Of course, the bathroom is an odorous place. A little deodorizing baking soda and delightful essential oils can help add some olfactory comfort to your bathroom space.


It all starts with a jar. Fill it with baking soda until it is 1/4 full. Add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Perforate the lid with little holes and set it in your bathroom! If you paint it, it can become an adorable decoration.

4 for

These 3 homemade bathroom cleaners are for special surfaces only.

Some surfaces require special homemade bathroom cleaners. For example, you can’t use vinegar, lemon or acidic cleaners on marble or granite or they’ll eat into the stone! Specialty fixtures require specialty solutions.

BRASS: If you’re cleaning any type of brass, a simple sponge dipped in white vinegar or lemon juice will work wonders. Sprinkle the sponge with salt and rub lightly for a coarse, gritty homemade bathroom cleaner.

CHROME: Add 1/2 teaspoon Castile Soap, 3 tablespoons white vinegar and two cups water to a spray bottle. Mix it up and spray onto chrome surfaces. Allow it to sit ten minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth.

MARBLE: Marble is easy! Just mix two drops of mild citrus-free dishwashing liquid with two cups warm water. Use a sponge. Be sure to dry thoroughly when complete!

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