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How to Move Out of State

How to Move Out of State

Moving out of state can be a big risk and a big adventure. You should have an idea of how to move out of state to help make your move easier!


How to move out of state: preparation is key.

Know where you’re going and why you’re going there (and be prepared to tell everyone because they will ask). Whether you’re moving for a job, trying to find a nicer house or you just need a major change of pace, you need to know why. Before you can figure out how to move out of state, you must have a motivator.

Prepare your family for the move. It’s a good idea to give your family plenty of time to get used to the idea of a move. As soon as your moving plans are in concrete, let your kids know.

Take care of the details.

Get your house ready as soon as you know you’re moving. Start working on repairs or fixing it up so you can sell it or get your rental deposit back.

Get boxes, moving supplies and start packing! For more tips on where to get boxes, check this article out!


Book your moving van or your moving trailer early on because the prices go up the closer you get to moving. Many companies do not require a deposit to book a trailer, but some may require a deposit for a moving truck.

If you are not moving because of a job, talk to your employer about opportunities in your new city. Even if they are unable to find you a position in a different state, they might have connections that could help you find a job. Make sure you let them know you enjoy working for their company. It’s also a good idea to give notice as far in advance as possible. Two weeks is the minimum, but longer is better.

What should you do before you leave your current state?

It’s a good idea to get caught up on any appointments if you haven’t been yet for the year. Get your annual checkup, visit your dentist and make any other appointments you’ve been putting off. The reason for doing this is two-fold. First, you can make sure you are in good health. You’ll also get the opportunity to let these offices know you plan to move. The second reason is that if you are taking on a new job, your benefits might not kick in for a couple of months. Make sure you’re healthy enough for that!

Even if you know you’re absolutely going to love moving from freezing New England to the arid Southwest of the United States, you should make sure you have, at least, visited the area once before you move there. Take a short trip if possible to check out the area. If there is absolutely no way you can visit the area, spend a lot of time researching about it online. Use message boards, YouTube videos and more to learn about your new location.

Say goodbye to friends and family. This is an especially good trip if you’re moving many states away. You won’t regret the time it takes to have a going away party. Even if you have already packed all your stuff and you’re ready to go, have a party so you can take the chance to say goodbye to everyone you’re leaving behind. Make it a potluck and eat on paper plates. Or, have a party at a restaurant if you’re already completely packed up. No matter what, you won’t regret getting one last chance to wish everyone well.

Here are things you should take and things you should leave.

Packing to move to a different state doesn’t have to involve taking everything from your old house. You will likely want to leave some things behind because they can take up a lot of space in your moving truck or trailer. When you’re figuring out how to move out of state, make sure you figure out what’s important to take and what you can reasonably purchase new once you move.

Some ideas on things to take:

  • Clothes
  • Items that mean something or have sentimental value
  • Dishes, kitchen utensils, small appliances
  • Some furniture (beds and dining tables all break down nicely)

Some ideas on things to leave:

  • Big appliances that you can replace when you move, they can also be used as a selling feature if you’re selling your home
  • Some furniture (couches are one of the worst things to move and take up a lot of space)
  • Items you don’t use (toss or donate)

How to move out of state: on the road.

If you’re moving more than just one state away, you’ll likely be on the road for a day or two. It’s important to remember road safety tips and learn about how to drive a truck or even a car with a trailer on the back. Staying safe on the road is an important part of how to move out of state. Know your route, know where you’re going to stop and know what type of environments you’ll be driving in. If you can, try not to move in the summer. It can be harder on your vehicle, will use more fuel if you’re running an A/C and moving rentals are more expensive.

Make sure you plan plenty of stops especially if you have kids. Think about cool things you can do on the road, pack snacks and make sure the kids have things to do.

If your move to a new state is a multi-day trip, a great idea is to start early and end early. It’s generally safe to drive for about 10 hours a day, but when the sun goes down, it can be more dangerous. Start early in the morning when the sun is coming up and you’re refreshed. Drive for 10 hours and then take a break for the night. If you’re stopping at a hotel and have kids, a pool is a must-have. It generally doesn’t cost much more than one without a pool and it will give your kids the perfect place to burn all that energy they stored sitting in the car.

What should you do as soon as you get to your new state?

As soon as you get to your new state, it’s important to start getting established as a resident of that state. Switch over things like your I.D. and your vehicle registration. Set up utilities and things like Internet the day you arrive at your new home (or before, if possible). Another thing many people don’t consider is their car insurance might not be good in their new state. Find out if your insurance company insures people in your new state. If they don’t, look around and get recommendations for a new insurance company.

Not a member of a national bank? You’ll have to find one in your new state! This is one of the first things you should do so you can make sure you have access to your money and bank services.


Learn about the area you’re in. Find out where your kids are going to go to school and what the enrollment process is. If you’ve started a new job, make sure you have your insurance and other benefits set up and ready to go.

It’s also a good idea to get out in the community you’re now a part of. Moving to an area can be isolating even if you know a lot of people or have family in the area. Consider joining a religious organization, rec center or clubs. If you have kids, it’s also good to get them involved!

Get free stuff in your new state!