Learning how to get free appliances is a great way to save on many of your household necessities. You may not always have the cash on hand to buy a new fridge, dishwasher, computer, or vacuum cleaner, which is why there are various resources to help you get discounted and free appliances for your family.
We are going to help you discover how to get free appliances and potentially save thousands of dollars on the things you need!
Free appliances for Medicare beneficiaries
If you are on Medicare or Medicaid, there is a good chance that you can qualify for free or low-cost equipment based on your medical needs. For example, many states offer what is known as an over-the-counter benefit. This benefit allows you to get an annual stipend that can go toward a variety of appliances, from bathroom scales to electric toothbrushes. You can learn more about exactly how these benefits work (and if you qualify) by contacting the Medicare authority in your state or consulting Medicare.gov
Free appliances for the disabled
If you or someone in your family is disabled, there is a good chance that you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). In addition to the funds that SSDI provides to disabled individuals, it also offers different programs and services to help you access the equipment and appliances you need. For example, the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) works in association with the SSA to help low-income households gain access to energy-efficient appliances for the home, including freezers, furnaces, and A/C units. Additionally, this program even provides free and low-cost repairs and improvements to homes to make them more energy-efficient, which could save you money on your utility bill!
Free appliances for seniors
Most programs for free appliances for seniors are administered through Medicare or Medicaid (as outlined above). However, seniors can also qualify through SSI or SSDI programs. If you live within the poverty guidelines and are using SSI or SSDI, you can get access to a smartphone and data plan through the Lifeline Program. The Department of Housing and Urban Development also helps senior citizens get free broadband internet service (including internet devices) via ConnectHome. As you can see, SSI and SSDI can help open the door to plenty of great opportunities to get free appliances and save a ton of money!
Free appliances for veterans
The National Veterans Foundation (NVF) is one of the largest organizations that aims to aid veterans in need of help. Their main programs include housing, employment, and medical assistance. Through these programs, veterans can also gain the funds or even direct aid acquiring household appliances like washers, dryers, and refrigerators. You can learn more about all the NVF has to offer for veterans right here!
If you do not qualify for free appliances through the NVF, you might also consider other private organizations that help veterans, like Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) or Veterans Families United. Finally, the Veterans Affairs is one of the best resources for finding free and low-income benefits for veterans. While they do not have a specific program dedicated to free appliances, they can offer assistance and guidance for furnishing your home or living space with the appliances you need!
Free appliances for low-income families
Like the disabled, many low-income families qualify for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), which is one of the best ways to get new, energy-efficient appliances for your home. The Department of Health and Human Services also oversees a program known as LIHEAP, or the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Some qualifying households can get a refrigerator and similar appliances through LIHEAP, though the qualifications are often more limiting than some other federal programs.
Where to find free appliances for the general public
Even if you don’t fit into one of the categories above or simply don’t qualify for a private or federal program, it doesn’t mean that you need to give up hope! There are still plenty of programs at the state and local level that are designed to help people gain access to low-cost or free appliances when they need them. You will simply need to ask for assistance directly from your local government or through local programs for the unemployed and under-employed.
Additionally, there are several different ways for the general public to get free appliances. If you’re looking for an online resource, the Facebook Marketplace is a great way to find people in your area who are selling or giving away appliances. You can even customize your search by the type of appliance you need at any given moment!
Another great online resource is Freecycle, which is a website built on the concept of connecting people who need certain items with people who are willing to give them away for free. So, if you need a free toaster, you can simply check out Freecycle to see if there is one available. It really is as simple as that! Not only does this help you get the free appliances you want and need, but it also helps recycle items for the betterment of the planet!
Finally, one of the simplest ways to get free appliances is to simply look and ask around in your local area. People often put their old or unused appliances out on the street to be picked up by the garbage weekly garbage collection service. It is not uncommon for people to simply load up items that they want and take them away. However, it’s always best to ask the owners of the property before taking anything from their driveway or front lawn. They will probably be happy that you’re willing to take it off their hands!
The Bottom Line
As you can see, there are various avenues and programs to help you get free appliances. It’s all about knowing if you qualify for certain programs and meet the right criteria. Even if you do not qualify for the programs listed above, you can still find free appliances in your area simply by looking and asking around!
Julia Small
Sunday 16th of June 2024
I need a refrigerator
Catherine Marucci
Tuesday 18th of June 2024
Hi. If the resources above are not helpful in your area, it may be worth calling 211 to see if they know of anything else. I hope you find something! - Cat
Kathryn Hale
Thursday 9th of May 2024
I'm in desperate needed for washing machine. And an air conditioner. I'm 62 years old and disabled
Catherine Marucci
Wednesday 12th of June 2024
Hi Kathryn. If the resources above are not useful in your area, it may be worth calling 211 to see if they know of anything else.
Karen Huxhold
Wednesday 13th of December 2023
I don't need a toaster or a vacuum, something minor I'm on Medicare and Medicaid I'm getting Housing assistance, I'm disabled and in a wheelchair I'm in NEEDING a oven that swings out I don't care if it's used as long as it works, I'm constantly getting burnt and can't deal with it anymore. Thanks for a place to say something I am having absolutely no help they are saying that I have to buy a new one and get a loan and they will help with some minimal grant but I couldn't get a loan at all this is truly a joke and I've looked at Marketplace and Craigslist and googling all the time.
Catherine Marucci
Friday 15th of December 2023
Hi Karen. Have you already tried 211?
Victoria Earnshaw
Wednesday 29th of November 2023
Need a new gas stove. Any help would be so very much appreciated. Thank you
Catherine Marucci
Wednesday 29th of November 2023
Hi. If the organizations listed above have not been helpful, it may be worth calling 211 to see if they know of any other possibilities in your area.
Lena Sallet
Tuesday 10th of October 2023
I am 65 years and in need of a refrigerator and stove. Can someone please assist me?
Catherine Marucci
Tuesday 10th of October 2023
Hi. If the resources above are not helpful, it may be worth calling 211 to see if there is anything else they can suggest in your area.