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How to Lower Your Eversource Bill with Bill Pay Assistance

How to Lower Your Eversource Bill with Bill Pay Assistance

If you’re wondering how to lower your Eversource bill, don’t forget to apply for these bill pay assistance programs! There are many programs available that can help you pay your Eversource bill!


In this article, we will review government programs, Eversource bill pay options, and nonprofits that can help you pay your bill.

Government Assistance Programs

There are several government assistance programs that offer Eversource bill pay assistance. These include LIHEAP and the Weatherization Assistance Program!


Please note that the details of these programs may vary by state. Eversource has customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, but these programs are available in each of those states.


The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal program that can provide Eversource bill pay assistance to customers who qualify.

This program exists in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire but it has different names in each state.

  • Connecticut calls it the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP).
  • Massachusetts calls it the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
  • New Hampshire calls it the Fuel Assistance Program (FAP).

No matter what the state calls it, the program works basically the same way. It provides assistance with energy costs to low income Americans who meet eligibility requirements.

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) helps residents in Connecticut afford heating their homes. Applying takes about 30-45 minutes, and eligible households can get benefits from $180 to $530 based on income, household size, and vulnerability. These benefits go towards reducing heating bills and are paid directly to the utility or fuel supplier.

You may be eligible if you meet these requirements:

  • You live in Connecticut.
  • Your income is at or below 60% of the State Median Income or you receive benefits from SNAP, TANF, SSI, Refugee Cash Assistance or State Supplement for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled
  • You have a Social Security Number or qualify for an exception

You can apply online, by phone, email, mail, or in person at a local Community Action Agency (CAA). Check the table below to find your nearest CAA.

Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is vital for ensuring the safety and well-being of families and individuals by providing access to home heating. The Fuel Assistance program can provide Eversource bill pay help throughout the winter/spring season or until their benefits are used up. They can help you pay past-due or future bills.

Eligibility for the program is determined by the size of the household and the gross annual income of each household member aged 18 or older. The household income must not exceed 60% of the estimated State Median Income. This program is open to homeowners and renters, including those whose heating costs are part of their rent and not subsidized.


If unsure about eligibility, individuals can contact their local agency for guidance. The agency in charge of HEAP is usually your local Community Action Agency.

New Hampshire Fuel Assistance Program (FAP)

The Fuel Assistance Program in New Hampshire provides Eversource bill pay assistance to eligible New Hampshire households. In times of heating emergencies, it can secure emergency fuel deliveries, delay shut-off notices, or refer clients to other sources of help.

This program can provide grants ranging between $243 to $2,419, depending on household income and energy expenses. These benefits are calculated based on factors such as income, energy costs, heating degree days, and housing type, with a focus on assisting households with low incomes and high energy expenses. The average benefit is $1,530.25. Importantly, Fuel Assistance benefits do not count as income when applying for other assistance programs.

To apply for Fuel Assistance, individuals can contact their local Community Action Agency (CAA) to schedule an appointment or learn more about the application process.

Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program, available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, can help you lower your Eversource bills in the future. This program doesn’t provide past-due Eversource bill pay assistance but it can reduce the cost of your future bills.

This program offers energy-saving upgrades such as insulation, air leak sealing, and heating system improvements. By making homes more efficient, it reduces energy consumption, lowers utility bills, and creates a more comfortable living environment for eligible households.


If you qualify for LIHEAP, you will usually qualify for the Weatherization Assistance Program as well. Most states combine the application for LIHEAP and Weatherization, so you can even apply at the same time.

Winter Protection Programs

Many states have rules that prevent companies like Eversource from disconnecting your utilities during the cold winter months. These heating moratoriums protect low income households by ensuring they have access to heat during the coldest part of the year.

  • Connecticut’s Winter Protection Program can protect you from shut off between November 1 and May 1. You must work with Eversource or Community Action Council to get a financial hardship designation applied to your account.
  • Massachusetts’s winter hardship program can protect you from disconnection between November 15 and March 15 each year as long as the service is required to heat your home.
  • New Hampshire’s Winter Disconnection Rules prohibit Eversource from shutting off your service between November 15 and March 31, as long as your balance is lower than certain amounts.

Other Disconnection Rules

Some states have other rules about when utilities can disconnect your utilities. You need to understand these rules so that you can protect yourself.

For example, Massachusetts does not allow Eversource to disconnect your utilities if you are experiencing financial hardship and meet at least one other qualifying criteria:

  • Someone in your home is seriously ill; OR
  • There is an infant under 12 months old in your house; OR
  • All the adults are over age 65 and there is at least one minor child in the house.

Eversource Bill Pay Assistance Programs

One of the best ways to lower your Eversource bill is to apply for the company’s different discounts and bill pay programs! These can make a huge impact on your bill.

Eversource Discounts

The company offers discounts to residential electric customers who qualify. These discounts vary by state.


In Connecticut, customers can receive a 10% discount on their monthly bill if their household income is at or below 60% of the State Median Income. The discount can be increased to 50% if your household income is at or below 160% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This discount is also available to people who participate in means-tested programs like SNAP or Medicaid.

In Massachusetts, you can get a Fuel Assistance discount if your gross income is at or below 60% of the State Median Income. You can also get discounted rates if you participate in means-tested programs like LIHEAP, SNAP, SSI and more.

To apply for the discounts you are eligible for, just visit the Eversource Discount Rate page.

New Start Program

The New Start program is one of the best Eversource bill pay assistance programs out there. This program offers a promising opportunity to eliminate your outstanding balance in as little as 12 months, with the commitment to making on-time monthly payments.

Through this program, Eversource will establish a monthly payment plan that averages your bills out. Every time you make your new payments on time, they’ll forgive 1/12 of your past-due balance. As long as you keep making those new payments on time, you won’t have to worry about your service being disconnected!

For example, if your monthly budget payment is set at $150, and your past-due balance is $1,200, they’ll forgive $100 of your past-due balance every time you make your new $150 payment on time.


In order to be eligible:

  • You must be a current Eversource residential electric customer.
  • You should have a past due balance of $100 or more that is 60 or more days past due.
  • Your income must fall at or below 60 percent of the estimated state median income.
  • Alternatively, you can qualify if you have a medical certification for a household member.
  • You are eligible if you have applied for and are eligible to receive energy assistance funds or can provide other proof of income.

To explore this opportunity and get started, please call Eversource directly.

Connecticut Matching Payment Program (MPP)

The Connecticut Matching Payment Program (MPP) is a valuable initiative designed to provide bill payment assistance to qualified Eversource customers who use electric or gas heating services.

With MPP, every dollar you pay toward your bill is matched with a dollar from Eversource. That means you’re getting twice the credit that you pay for! This program ensures a collaborative effort in managing energy bills, with the customer, CEAP, and Eversource all contributing.

In order to be eligible, you must:

  • Be a current Eversource residential customer who heats their home with electricity or natural gas
  • Having a household income at or below 60 percent of the estimated state median income
  • Use CEAP funds to pay your Eversource account
  • You also have to commit to paying your portion of the bill on time every month.

To take action and explore this program further, customers can contact Eversource directly or reach out to their nearest Community Action Agency to apply for energy assistance funds.


Nonprofits & Charities that Pay Eversource Bills

There are many nonprofit organizations and charities that can provide Eversource bill pay assistance. If you need help paying your bill, be sure to check this out!

Good Neighbor Energy Fund (Massachusetts)

Massachusetts residents facing a temporary financial crisis that hinders their ability to pay utility bills can seek assistance. To qualify, your annual household income should fall within 60%-80% of the state median income, and you should not be eligible for federally-funded assistance programs.

To apply, reach out to your local Salvation Army Corps Community Center. For a complete list of community centers, visit

Neighbor Helping Neighbor (New Hampshire)

For New Hampshire residents facing challenges in paying their energy bills, the Neighbor Helping Neighbor Fund is here to provide support. This initiative aims to assist individuals who may not meet the criteria for federally funded assistance programs but are currently grappling with temporary crises that hinder them from covering their utility bills.

To apply for energy assistance, individuals can connect with the Neighbor Helping Neighbor Fund through their local Community Action Agency in their respective area.

Operation Fuel (Connecticut)

Operation Fuel is a valuable program in Connecticut that offers year-round energy assistance to households facing financial crises. Eligible households can receive a one-time grant per year to help cover costs related to various energy sources, including fuel oil, natural gas, electricity, and more.


To apply for Operation Fuel assistance, individuals need to make an appointment with a Fuel Bank and provide proof of the last four weeks of income for all household members and relevant billing information based on their energy source. It’s important to note that eligible residents can receive one grant per year, and the eligibility period resets annually.

More Ways to Lower Your Eversource Bill

Lowering your Eversource utility bill, especially for those with a limited income, involves a combination of energy conservation, efficiency improvements, and exploring financial assistance programs.

Here are 10 actionable steps you can take:

  1. Conduct a Basic Energy Audit: You can do a simple audit yourself by checking for drafts and noticing which appliances use the most energy. This awareness can guide you in making effective changes.
  2. Unplug Unused Electronics: Devices that are plugged in but not in use still consume energy. Unplug these electronics when they’re not being used or use a power strip to easily turn off multiple devices at once.
  3. DIY Window Insulation: During winter, cover your windows with clear plastic film, and in summer, use shades or curtains to block out heat. Even blankets or towels can provide additional insulation.
  4. Optimize Refrigerator and Freezer Use: Ensure your refrigerator and freezer are not set colder than necessary. The recommended temperatures are 35-38 degrees Fahrenheit for the fridge and 0 degrees Fahrenheit for the freezer.
  5. Manage Water Usage: Take shorter showers and fix any leaking taps. Using less hot water reduces the energy used to heat water.
  6. Air Dry Clothes and Dishes: Instead of using a dryer or the drying cycle on your dishwasher, air dry clothes and dishes when possible.
  7. Cook Efficiently: Use lids on pots to cook food faster, and opt for a microwave or toaster oven when cooking small meals, as they use less energy than a full-size oven.
  8. Seal Drafts: Use weather stripping or caulk to seal drafts around doors and windows. This can be an inexpensive way to keep heat in during winter and out during summer.
  9. Adjust Thermostat Wisely: In winter, set your thermostat a few degrees lower, and in summer, a few degrees higher. Even a small adjustment can reduce energy usage.
  10. Use Energy Wisely: Turn off lights when not in use, and consider using task lighting instead of lighting an entire room. Also, consolidate appliance use; for example, only run the washing machine or dishwasher with full loads.

Implementing these steps can lead to noticeable reductions in your energy bills, while also contributing to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Relief Recap

If you’re trying to figure out how to lower your Eversource bill, this article has outlined 10 actionable steps you can take to reduce those bills as well as many programs that provide Eversource bill pay assistance. You can cut the overall bill and get help paying it through these programs. Just contact the providers in this list for help!